A Musical Tribute to Sangeetha Pitamaha

sri PurandaraDasa Aradhana

This year’s Aradhana is scheduled for Sunday February 16th, 2025 at Vihar Hall, Hindu Center, Charlotte.  

  Registration is closed.
See you on Feb/16th, 2025.
Please participate and support.


“Purandara Gurum Vande Dasashreshtham Dayanidhim”

explore Sri purandara dasarU

Sri Purandaradasar is considered to be the first saint in the lineage of Haridasas and the proponent of Bhakti movement in Karnataka. He systematised learning of Carnatic Classical music some 550 years ago and is still being followed to date across south India. He is considered to be Carnatic Sangeetha Pitamaha and is believed to have composed whopping 475000  kritis, of which only a few thousand are available today. His works are collectively nicknamed “Purandopanishad”. Click below to find out more. 

About Us

Charlotte Devaranama Group was founded by a group of enthusiastic and dedicated volunteers in the year 2004 with the intention of keeping alive the culture of Devaranamas and Kirtanas as propounded by Sangeetha Pitamaha Sri Purandara Dasaru. Since then the group has grown in size and activities. Most important of the festivals hosted has been the annual Purandara Aradhana hosted year after year in honor of and gratitude for Sangeetha Pitamaha Sri Purandara Dasaru. The group thrives to keep the rich tradition alive in Charlotte and pass the fragrance to next generation.


kala-poshaka (DIAMOND)

Thank you for your patronage. As KALA – POSHAKA you are a big time supporter of art. Your support goes a long way in  promotion of Indian tradition, Heritage and Culture.

kala-rasika (GOLD)

Thank you for your patronage. As KALA – RASIKA you have shown your passion for art. Your support goes a long way in  promotion of Indian tradition, Heritage and Culture.